What is the one huge problem that we haven’t really solved? [br] The electrostat

游客2024-06-14  2

问题 What is the one huge problem that we haven’t really solved? [br] The electrostatic precipitator has got rid of ______ from manufacturing processes.

选项 A、severe emissions
B、ozone-layer depletion
C、many pollutants
D、toxic substances

答案 D

解析 细节题。根据题干from manufacturing processes定位到第四个小标题末段首句Other inventions,such as an enormous device known as the electrostatic precipitator,have reduced severe emissions from power-plant smokestacks,eliminated toxic substances from manufacturing processes,即:发电厂烟排放已经减少,制造过程中的有毒物质也被除去,故选D。