[originaltext]W: Oh, hi, Daniel. Are you going to the in-service gaining today

游客2024-06-14  4

W: Oh, hi, Daniel.  Are you going to the in-service gaining today?
M: You bet. I missed the training session last month, so I have to be sure to make this one. Aren’t you excited about the program?
W: Not really.  Before I became a nurse I drove an ambulance and had a lot of emergency medical training. Practicing basic first aid techniques is a kind of boring for me.
M: Well I can understand that. But you know, it’s amazing how quickly you get out of practice. As nurses in a hospital, we have all the fancy equipment for medical emergencies-and plenty of doctors around, so we hardly ever get a chance to practice basic techniques. They’re really easy to forget. And you know that practice makes perfect.
W: I can see your point, and it never hurts to review what you’re already supposed to know. By the way, who’s teaching the class this time?
M: Dr. Huston. She’s the new emergency room physician.
W: Well, she certainly ought to know what she’s talking about. I’ve heard she’s a really good surgeon.
M: That’s right. I’ve been taking care of some of the patients she worked on, and they all think highly of her.
W: When are you going to head over to the classroom?
M: Immediately. I’m just on my way there. Do you want to walk over together?
W: That sounds good to me. Let’s go and prepare for the training.

选项 A、Doctors in hospital.
B、Nurses in hospital.
C、Patients in hospital.
D、Hospital administrators.

答案 B

解析 Who will attend the training session?
女士说在成为护士以前就已经学习了很多急救常识,所以对这次的培训感觉有点枯燥(boring for me),由此可知,本次培训的对象是医院护士。故正确答案为B)。