What will happen in the middle of the 21st century, if we consume resources much

游客2024-06-14  3

问题 What will happen in the middle of the 21st century, if we consume resources much faster than their replacement? [br] Residents of Old Order Amish communities began unconsciously to practise sustainable living from ______.


答案 the early 18th century

解析 由题干中Old Order Amish communities可定位到第三个小标题下第二段首句Old Order Amish communities were quietly co-existing with the planet since the early 18th century.此处要求填入表时间的名词性成分与介词from搭配。根据原句可知,Old Order Amish社区居民早在18世纪初期就已经在与地球和睦共存了。故该句中表时间的短语the early 18th century即是本题答案。