The National Trust is ______. [br] Who takes up the responsible managerial work

游客2024-06-14  2

问题 The National Trust is ______. [br] Who takes up the responsible managerial work of the old houses?

选项 A、The directors of the local branches of the Trust.
B、The descendants of ex-owners of the structure.
C、The members of the organization appointed for the post.
D、The men who enjoy the prestige in the local places:

答案 B

解析 由题干take up the responsible managerial work of the old houses定位到原文第二段最后一句It is the view of the Trust that the families who give them to the nation and whose ancestors created them make the best possible curators.细节题。该句说:国家信托公司的观点是那些将古屋献给国家的人,以及古屋建造者的后代最可能成为房屋的监护人,负责古旧房屋的管理工作。因此B)“房屋原有的主人的后代”正确。[避错]由上分析可知,负责管理房屋的不是“国民信托组织地方分会的负责人”,排除 A);也不是“由组织自己任命管理房屋的人”,排除C);D)“在当地享有威望的人”,也不符文意。