In ancient times, Olympic games were held as a religious festival to honor the G

游客2024-06-14  1

问题 In ancient times, Olympic games were held as a religious festival to honor the Greek gods. [br] When athletes won in the Olympic games, they enjoyed various privileges for them to ______.


答案 live off the glory

解析 由题干中won可定位到第四个小标题下第五段首句Victorious athletes were professionals in the sense that they lived off the glory of their achievement ever afterwards.此处应填入动词不定式短语,作全句状语。本题考查在奥运会中获胜的运动员的生活情况。定位句点明全段中心内容,即获胜的运动员终生可享受由胜利所带来的荣誉。随后详细举例说明运动员获胜后享受的种种特权。由此,将首句中that从句部分的谓语部分改为动词不定式表达可得本题答案。