In ancient times, Olympic games were held as a religious festival to honor the G

游客2024-06-14  3

问题 In ancient times, Olympic games were held as a religious festival to honor the Greek gods. [br] As the center site of the worship of Zeus, Olympia hosted the opening ceremony for the ancient Olympic games.


答案 NG。

解析 由题干中Olympia可定位到第一个小标题下第二段第二句Over time...a central site for the worship of Zeus和第四句The most spectacular sight at Olympia was the gold and ivory cult statue of Zeus enthroned...复杂句处设题。本题考查臭林匹亚和古代奥运会的关系.根据第一个小标题下涉及该地名的两句内容来判断,奥林匹亚是人们祭祀宙斯的中心地,该地最引人注目的是用黄金和镶牙雕刻而成的宙斯登基膜拜图。但原文并未提及奥林匹亚是古代奥运会开幕式举办地。题干内容在原文井未涉及。