The word "it" ( Line 3, Para. 2) most probably refers to ______. [br] From the p

游客2024-06-13  2

问题 The word "it" ( Line 3, Para. 2) most probably refers to ______. [br] From the passage we can infer that ______.

选项 A、electronic mail will soon play dominant role in transmitting messages
B、it will become more difficult for people to keep secrets in an information era
C、people will spend less time holding meetings or conferences
D、events will be reported on the spot mainly

答案 A

解析 推断题。第四段第三句指出:电信技术的发展使人们能够通过电视和无线电传送信息,不久之后,通过电子邮件发送的大量信息,将对人们实施信息轰炸。由此可以推出,electronic mail确实会在传递中起到重要作用。此外,原文"very shortly"一词与选项A)中的"soon"相对,故A)选项正确。[避错] B)文中并未涉及;第四段倒数第二句谈到,“远程会议的出现使人们不用离开家/工作岗位专程去遥远的地方开会”,然而只谈远程会议节省了因为开会而花去的旅行时间,而不是C)选项;第四段第四句指出“卫星的使用扩大了现场直播事件的力度”,然而并未声称它会成为报道的主要形式,所以D)错在mainly二词使用不当。