A、the political advancement in some African countriesB、the sophisticated econom

游客2024-06-13  3


选项 A、the political advancement in some African countries
B、the sophisticated economy in some African countries
C、the artistic complexity in some African countries
D、the underdeveloped cultures in some African countries

答案 D

解析 由题干took Africa as an example in order to 定位到原文第三段...the social sciences in American universities in the 1950s,it was generally assumed by professors.As well as laymen,that culture had a great deal to do with how material civilization developed,细节题。文章第三段指出,新的研究结论表明文化不是像以前人们认为的那样,取决于社会发展的程度;相反,文化发展会影响社会的发展和物质文明的发展。这个观点引起人们的普遍关注,其最糟糕的例子就是”the problem of contemporary”,作者用非洲国家的发展情况作为反例来证明这一观点的不正确性,指出非洲的文化在50年代以前被看作是“pre-modern cultures”,故D)符合题意。[避错]A)、B)和C)都只是非洲部分地区的一些情况,不足以代表整个非洲的情况,故错误。