A、Turnitin’s anti-plagiarism software can be well-accepted by Harvard University

游客2024-06-13  4


选项 A、Turnitin’s anti-plagiarism software can be well-accepted by Harvard University
B、the anti-plagiarism software may create some computer virus which is like nuclear bomb in Harvard University
C、there must be much academic cheating in Harvard University’ in Dr. Barrie’s opinion
D、Harvard University will adopt the software in a short time

答案 C

解析 由题干infer from the last sentence of the passage定位到文章最后一段最后一句According to Dr.Barrie “You apply our technology at Harvard and it would be like a nuclear bomb going off.”推断题。由该句可知,像哈佛这样的学校害怕使用这样的软件之后,会暴露他们以前的劣迹,因此拒绝采用此软件,故选C)。[避错]A)“Tumitin的反剽窃软件非常受哈佛大学的欢迎”,哈佛没有采用此软件,故排除;B)“反剽窃软件将产生一些计算机病毒,就像在哈佛大学里引爆原子弹一样”只是对“like a nuclear bomb going off”的字面意思的曲解;D)“哈佛大学将在很短的时间内采用这一软件”,与文章观点相反,故错误。