What proportion of the world’s electricity supply is provided by hydroelectric p

游客2024-06-13  1

问题 What proportion of the world’s electricity supply is provided by hydroelectric power? [br] What underwater action can lead to the production of pollution similar to that produced by fossil fuel power stations?

选项 A、Mass dying of underwater creature.
B、Recycling of underwater waste products.
C、Decomposing flooded vegetation.
D、Abstracting underwater oil.

答案 C

解析 本题考查水力发电对环境影响的方式,故将答案出处定位到第八段。该段首先提到人们普遍认为水力发电不会造成空气污染和温室气体,然后用Nevertheless一转折引出最近的一项研究:在坝体后方形成的蓄水池可以通过腐烂水底的植物(decomposing flooded vegetation)来释放与其他发电方式排放的污染气体一样的温室气体,故[C]为答案。