[audioFiles]audio_eusm_j01_036(20099)[/audioFiles]A、The man should start runnin

游客2024-06-13  2


选项 A、The man should start running daily.
B、She also prefers to exercise in the afternoon.
C、It’s important to warm up before exercising.
D、The man should continue his exercise program.

答案 D

解析 M: I’ve been running a mile every afternoon for the past month. But I still haven’t been able to lose more than a pound or two. I wonder if it is worth it.
W: It always seems hard when you are just starting out.
Q: What does the woman mean?
分析选项可知,本题考查观点建议,且女士的话为听音重点,对话话题与锻炼身体有关。 A表达的是男士应该开始每天跑步了,D表达的是男士应该继续他的锻炼项目,二者意思相反,故其中之一很有可能是答案。男士因为每天跑步锻炼了一个月后仍没有见到任何减肥效果而怀疑这样做是否有用,女士说“任何事情刚开始的时候都是比较困难的”,即建议男士不要因为一个月没有见效就放弃,毕竟锻炼才刚刚开始,故选D。