Bad eating habits, increased food availability, increasingly sedentary lifestyle

游客2024-06-13  3

问题 Bad eating habits, increased food availability, increasingly sedentary lifestyle and reduced physical activity are the first four causes of the obesity epidemic. [br] Children who have fat mothers are much more likely to become obese themselves later in life because of ______.


答案 genetics and some intrauterine programming

解析 本题涉及到父母肥胖与儿童肥胖的关系,从而将题目出处定位到Prenatal Effects 部分。该部分首段第二、三句提到,在以后的生活中,有着肥胖母亲的孩子更有可能变得肥胖。虽然这主要是由遗传基因引起的.但也有证据表明母亲子宫内的影响对肥胖产生作用,由此可以得出答案。但题干中的 because of要后接名词,所以要再稍加总结。