The" wired cities" in the United States were not constructed, ______. [br] In Pa

游客2024-06-13  3

问题 The" wired cities" in the United States were not constructed, ______. [br] In Para. 3, the concept of "wired cities" is revived because ______.

选项 A、personal computers become easily available to more people
B、the Internet has found extensive applications
C、the number of online consumers and companies is on the rise
D、e-malls have replaced letters as the dominant message of communication

答案 A

解析 由题干的Para.3,the concept of "wired cities" is revived定位到原文第三段第一句First. computers, have become more powerful, cheaper, smaller, easier to use(although they still have a long way to go on this front )and more widely distributed, especially within businesses and especially in the US.推断题。此题涉及的是“电缆城市”概念复苏(revive)的原因,文中谈到了两点,一是个人电脑的普及 (第三段),二是Internet的发展及广泛运用(第四、五段)。A)在第三段第一句提到,因此正确。[避错]第四、五段提到了Internet的应用,如academic network,surfing,cyber-commerce等,因此B)不符合题意;最后一段最后一句"the e-mail population reached ’critical mass’ in about the mid-1990s"表明使用电子邮件的人达到了极大的数量,可知C)也不符合题意;也不能依此得出D)“电子邮件取代信件成为主要的信息交流方式”的结论,因此D)不是其中的原因,故也不正确。