The misunderstanding of a word could even affect the way a war ended. [br] In ad

游客2024-06-13  2

问题 The misunderstanding of a word could even affect the way a war ended. [br] In advertising the advertiser can avoid any responsibility for his statement by using ______.


答案 weasel words

解析 由题干中的avoid any responsibility for his statement定位到文章第三个小标题下第一段第二句:It’s the easiest way to avoid having to take any responsibility for anything you say,or seem to say.题干问的是广告人通过什么来避免责任。联系原文定位句可知代词it即为答案所在,再联系上文,可知it指代的是using weasel words这种方式,故本题空格处该weasel words。