We can leant from the first paragraph that______. [br] The last sentence of the

游客2024-06-13  3

问题 We can leant from the first paragraph that______. [br] The last sentence of the passage is meant to______.

选项 A、persuade human beings to show more affection for turtles
B、stress that even the most ugly species should be protected
C、call for effective measures to ensure sea turtles’ survival
D、warn our descendants about the extinction of species

答案 C

解析 主旨题。本题考查作者写这句话的目的。根据最后一句(56)处作者提到“我们必须要解决那些问题。否则,这些比恐龙还要长寿的生物就会在人类的手里寿终正寝了”。作者意在说明,人类必须采取措施去保护海龟;结合文章内容可知,人类并不是不关心海龟,只是还没有采取有效的保护措施。故选C。