[originaltext]W: I certainly would like to buy the brown suit I saw in the depa

游客2024-06-13  2

W: I certainly would like to buy the brown suit I saw in the department store, but I don’t have enough money.
M: Well, if you would budget your money more carefully, you would be able to buy it.
Q: How does the man feel about the woman?
W: I asked at the bookstore about the book you mentioned: The New African Art. But I couldn’t find it.
M: Oh, but the title is Africa’s New Heart. H-E-A-R-T. We had just been talking about african painters, so I’m not surprised you got the title wrong.
Q: What is the correct title for the book?

选项 A、African Art Today.
B、Africa’s New Heart.
C、Heart Surgery in Africa.
D、I Left My Heart in Africa.

答案 B
