[originaltext]W: I bought a dressing table.and my roommate left hers to me yest

游客2024-06-13  2

W: I bought a dressing table.and my roommate left hers to me yesterday.
What will I do with two dressing tables?Any suggestions?
M: Why don’t you make one of them a study desk?
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、The woman can put the dressing table into the study room.
B、The woman can use one dressing table as a study table.
C、The woman can sell one dressing table.
D、The woman can buy a study desk.

答案 B

解析 ①女士说自己买了一个梳妆台,室友又留下一个,不知道怎么处置两个梳妆台,男士建议说为何不把一个当成写字台来用呢,故选B。②反问句的建议句型常常就是考点出处。