[originaltext]M: I would like to send an e-mail to a friend of mine. Could you
[originaltext]M: I would like to send an e-mail to a friend of mine. Could you
M: I would like to send an e-mail to a friend of mine. Could you tell me how to do it?
W: Certainly. First, you choose the e-mail program on your computer and click New Message.
M: All right.
W: OK? Well, then you start typing the name of the recipient. The program remembers the name and completes the e-mail address. Well, if not, you look up the name in the address book or contact list. OK? Well, if you want other people to get copies of the same message, you send them "CCs", which are copies of the message. OK? Then you press Return on the keyboard and then you type the subject of the message. Now, there’s no need to put the date because that goes in automatically when you send the message, together with the time. OK?
M: Oh, yeah.
W: Well, then you press Return again and start writing the message. Now, if you make a mistake, you just press Backspace to delete the previous letter or word and then type it again correctly.
M: I see.
W: Now, when you’ve finished, you read the whole message through to make sure it looks right and contains the right information. Now, if you decide you want to change sentences around, you can copy sentences and paste them in other places.
M: And... er... er... how about spelling and punctuation, er... that can be corrected automatically, can’t it?
W: Well, yes and no. You can run your spell checker and that may bring up some mis-typings and things like that. But it definitely won’t catch them all, so you must read it through to check your spelling, too. And check your punctuation at the same time. Now if you notice a misspelt word, or if you want to change a word or something like that, double-click on the word and type the new word over it.
M: Fine. That’s easy.
W: Hmm. And then it’s ready to send. You just click on Send and it’ll go off immediately. And the other person will find your message in their Inbox when they next go online to get their messages.
M: Right. Well, that sounds much easier than handwriting a message and faxing it.
W: Sure it does.
A、He does not know how to open the computer.
B、He does not know how to send an E-mail.
C、He does not know how to write an E-mail.
D、He does not know how to change a word.
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