The power of videoconferencing lies in that it can ______ . [br] The characteris

游客2024-06-12  2

问题 The power of videoconferencing lies in that it can ______ . [br] The characteristic of ASARDA in using videoconferencing is that ______ .

选项 A、it takes them 4 years to build the dynamic program
B、they spend significant money in installing the equipment
C、the desktop units make them have full control of multipoint needs
D、they have the latest software developed by other companies

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。排除法。本文最后一段第二句“Such is not the case...”已指出该公司并没有投入大量的资金,所以B项是错的。文章最后一句的This指代的是前一句的“multipoint control unit”,而非“desktop units”,所以C项也是错误的。至于备选答案D项,由于文章并没有提及软件的来源,所以属于臆断。从本段第三句话不难看出选项A是正确的。