By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when

游客2024-06-12  2

问题 By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when a buying is done. [br] When using a drive-up ATM, you’d better drive close to the machine as well as ______.


答案 lock the doors

解析 由题干中drive可定位到第五个小标题下第三段第五条第二句Also make sure that your doors are locked before you drive up to the machine.此处要求填入省略to的动词不定式。as well as短语要求其前后部分应为并列成分。原句中also与as well as意思相同,因此将该句中主谓结构根据题干语法需要变为动宾结构,可得答案lock the doors。