[originaltext]W: Mr. Gordon, could you give the listeners some idea of how this

游客2024-06-12  4

W: Mr. Gordon, could you give the listeners some idea of how this launching campaign began?
M: Well it all began more than a year ago, in the middle of an English winter, strangely enough. There was a lot of snow then last year, if you remember, and as we knew the car was going to appear in the winter, we thought we ought to think of somewhere outside Britain. I mean somewhere with better weather, for the launching.  At last Costa Del Sol was finally chosen after three months of investigation.
W: And while you were doing that, what was happening to the car?
M: Er, in about October last year, about four months ago that was, we had about 50 early production cars out being tested on roads in Britain.
W: And how did you get the cars to Spain?
M: Well, about one month ago, in late January, we sent the first 30 cars from Plymouth to Bilbai in containers, and 3 cars in each container, and then they were taken in their containers, with a Spanish police escort, by the way, overland from Bilbai to Marbella which is a long way.
W: And did you have any technicians with that party?
M: Yes, at the same time we sent six technicians out overland in Range Rovers to Marbella, and another eight flew out direct.
W: And how long ago did you actually take the cam out of their boxes and put them on display?
M: About two weeks ago, i. e. a week before the launching. At that time,  some correspondents from the British national press also came over to report the launching.

选项 A、The British regional press.
B、The foreign press.
C、The car dealers and their wives.
D、Correspondents from the British national press.

答案 D

解析 Besides technicians,who else came before the launching of the display?
问题是除了技术师,还有准在汽车展会启动之前就到了展览地点了。从最后一句我们就可以直接得到答案,他们是来自英国通讯社的记者(Some correspondents from the British national press also came over to report the launching)。因此本题选D)。