What point does the author intend to put across in the first paragraph? [br] Res

游客2024-06-12  3

问题 What point does the author intend to put across in the first paragraph? [br] Research universities still attach importance to research in academic promotions partly because ______ .

选项 A、professors with academic achievements are usually responsible and tough
B、it is difficult to conduct objective evaluation of teaching quality
C、top students who want to be challenged appreciate research professors
D、research helps to improve the effectiveness of teaching

答案 B

解析 句意理解型细节题。参见第三段第一、二句:多数研究性大学奖励优秀教学,但更看重的还是学术研究方面的成就。部分原因是教学质量难以评价。故选B(研究性高校在学术晋升中仍强调科研的分量,部分原因在于教学质量的客观评估很难进行)。