According to university officials, who are put in an unfavorable situation under

游客2024-06-12  2

问题 According to university officials, who are put in an unfavorable situation under early admission programs? [br] The procedure of early admission grew popular because it helped colleges to secure the recruitment of ______.


答案 strong candidates

解析 根据题干中的grew popular定位到原文第三段首句The popularity of the procedure grew significantly in the 1990s, as colleges tried to Increase their competitive advantage by locking in strong candidates early.题目问的是,提前录取制度之所以受到欢迎是因为高校得以招收到什么学生。原文第三段句句提到,20世纪90年代提前录取制度日益受到欢迎,因为高校得以提前锁定有实力的考生从而增强自身的竞争优势。题干中的grew popular是对原文the popularity...grew的同义转述,secure the recruitment of是对locking in的同义转述,故答案为strong candidates。