[originaltext] It is often said that the grass is always greener on the othe
[originaltext] It is often said that the grass is always greener on the othe
It is often said that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Perhaps this is why some people frequently move around, looking for better jobs, houses, and so on. No doubt it is possible to make some advantages in this way, but I believe that staying in one place, putting down roots in one community, also has many advantages. That is why I would prefer to spend my life in one place rather than ceaselessly moving around searching for perfection.
One advantage of spending a lifetime in the same community is that I can enjoy long relationship with my friends and neighbors. As these relationships mature, my neighbors and I will come to trust and depend on each other more. In such a community, I will never need to worry when in trouble; there is always a helping hand nearby. Another advantage is that when we live in the same community we will care more about the neighborhood and work hard to improve it. This creates a nicer place for everyone to live. Finally, while we should never stop trying to improve ourselves. It is sometimes better to appreciate the advantages we already have than constantly seeking more. A person who is always seeking will never be content.
In brief, I would prefer to have a permanent home in one community rather than continuously uproot myself and my family in search of something better. I believe that when we care about the place where we live we can always find a way to improve it and ourselves. In the future I will remember to appreciate the grass on my side of the fence.
A、They will come to trust and depend on each other more.
B、There is always a helping hand when they are looking for better jobs.
C、They will always help to improve the community.
D、They constantly get help when seeking more.
先天性喉喘鸣患儿通常不出现下列哪项症状A、声音嘶哑 B、阵发性青紫 C、吸气
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A.三尖瓣关闭不全 B.二尖瓣狭窄 C.主动脉瓣关闭不全 D.室间隔缺损