[originaltext]W: I need to catch the bus and it leaves at 10: 50.M: Then, you’

游客2024-06-11  2

W: I need to catch the bus and it leaves at 10: 50.
M: Then, you’d better hurry. It’s already 10: 40.
Q: What should the woman do?
M: You have never told me about it that. When were you studying in Paris?
W: A long time before you were born. It was before I met your father. I was studying art.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman ?

选项 A、Father and daughter.
B、Husband and wife.
C、Mother and son.

答案 C

解析 要辨别对话中二人的关系,需听懂全部对话,尤为关键的是女士说It was before I met your father.A long time before you were born.可见二者最可能是母子关系。故选C。