[originaltext]W: Do you have an address where I call write to you?M: No, I’ll

游客2024-06-11  3

W: Do you have an address where I call write to you?
M: No, I’ll be off camping in the mountains most of the time. But if you write to me at my uncle’s house, he’ll hold my mail until I get there.
Q: What will the man probably do?
M: Open wide. Now show me where it hurts.
W: Here on the top, especially when I bite into something hot or cold.
Q: Who is the man?

选项 A、A dentist.
B、A cook.
C、A dietician.
D、A twirler.

答案 A

解析 男士请女士张大嘴巴并告知哪里疼,女士说这儿疼,特别是咬热或冷的东西时。根据这样的对话判断他们在谈论牙痛,男士是牙医,所以答案是A。