[originaltext]W: Do you have an address where I call write to you?M: No, I’ll

游客2024-06-11  3

W: Do you have an address where I call write to you?
M: No, I’ll be off camping in the mountains most of the time. But if you write to me at my uncle’s house, he’ll hold my mail until I get there.
Q: What will the man probably do?

选项 A、Camp in the mountains.
B、Stay at his own house.
C、Write to his girlfriend.
D、Hold his uncle’ s mails.

答案 A

解析 女士问男士有没有通信地址,男士说他大都在山上露营,她可以把信寄到他叔叔家,叔叔会帮他保留信件。根据这个对话,正确答案是A。