The early European settlement is along one of our well-known rivers--which【B
The early European settlement is along one of our well-known rivers--which【B
The early European settlement is along one of our well-known rivers--which【B1】______ into the Atlantic to form New York bay. The Hudson river has a【B2】______ of interesting physical features that made it very attractive for settlement by the Europeans. The flint is that the river【B3】______ inland from the Atlantic Ocean for more than 150 mile with no waterfalls or【B4】______ . Its surface is【B5】______ flat for that entire distance, with no tides. Second, the whole 150-mile stretch is influenced by tides from the Atlantic Ocean.【B6】______ every six hours, the river【B7】direction, flowing north when the tide is【B8】______ and south toward the ocean when the tide is going down.
【B9】______________________________ and this explains why the Dutch penetrated so far inland. There were the first Europeans to settle in the Hudson valley. Of course, to go upstream, the Dutch settlers needed the right kind of boat, and so to navigate the river, they design a sloop with only one mast but with two sails, one rigged in front of the mast and one behind.【B10】__________________ .Hudson river sloops carried passengers and cargo. The cargo ranging form coal, lumber and hay to fruit, vegetables and livestock. Traveling only ten miles an hour in a good wind, the sloop was not too speedy by modem standards, but it was ideally suited to the Dutch settlement,【B11】__________________________ . [br]
The early European settlements were along one of our well-known rivers which (36) empties into the Atlantic to form New York bay.The Hudson river has a (37) couple of interesting features that made it very attractive for settlement by the Europeans.The first is that the river (38) extends. inland from the Atlantic Ocean for more than 150 miles with no waterfalls or (39) rapids. Its surface is (40) virtually flat for that entire distance, with no obstacles. Second, the whole 150 mile stretch is influenced by tides from the Atlantic Ocean. (41) Roughly every six hours, the river (42) reverses direction, flowing north when the tide is (43) rising and south toward the ocean when the tide is going down.
(44) Obviously there were no obstacle to prevent settler from moving further upstream on the Hudson river. and this explains why the Dutch penetrated so far inland. They were the first Europeans to settle in the Hudson valley. Of course, to go upstream, the Dutch settlers needed the fight kind of boat, and so to navigate the river, they design a sloop with only one mast but with two sails, one rigged in front of the mast and one behind. (45) The mast was very tall, in many cases over 100 feet tall, so that the large sails could catch winds blowing above the shore line hills. Hudson river sloops carried passengers and cargo. The cargo ranged from coal, lumber and hay to fruit, vegetables and livestock. Traveling only ten miles an hour in a good wind, the sloop was not too speedy by modern standards, but it was ideally suited to the Dutch settlements, and (46) in fact when the steam boat eventually was introduced, it couldn’t keep up with the sloop.
The mast was very tall, in many cases over 100 feet tall, so that the large sails could catch winds blowing above the shoreline hills.
辩证四诊中的()包括耳阅和鼻嗅。A.望诊 B.闻诊 C.问诊 D.切诊
肝硬化肝脾血瘀证首选方剂为( )。A.实脾饮 B.中满分消丸 C.调营饮
下列各项,不属于远部取穴的是A.头痛取合谷 B.耳聋取中渚 C.腰痛取委中
中国证监会各地方证监局主要负责的机构的监管对象包含()。 ①注册地在辖区
年中对各级政府部门财政预算执行情况进行的审计,属于:A、事前审计 B、事中审计
关于慢性支气管炎病因的描述不正确的是A.感染是慢支急性发作的主要诱因 B.吸烟