[originaltext]M:The city council has finally voted the funds to build a new hig

游客2024-06-10  2

M:The city council has finally voted the funds to build a new high school.
W:It’s about time they did it. I don’t know what took them so long.
Q:What’s the woman’s opinion about the school?

选项 A、It’s too expensive.
B、It isn’t needed.
C、It should be built.
D、A college would be better.

答案 C

解析 推理题。男士说:“市议厅已经最终同意提供资金来建一所新高中。”女士回答:“是该他们这样做的时候了。我不知道他们怎么用了这么长时间。”It’s about time表示“是该……的时候了”。女士说的话中有早该建新中学的含义。所以,答案选C。A它太昂贵了;B它没有必要:D建一所大学更好一点;对话中并没有体现出这三个答案的意思。