[originaltext]M: Excuse me. I’m having trouble hearing in the back of the room.

游客2024-06-10  3

M: Excuse me. I’m having trouble hearing in the back of the room. Did you say that your teaching assistant would correct the final exams?
W: No, I said that he would collect them. I’ll rate them myself. Any other thing I can be of help?
Q: What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
M: How do you like professor Peterson’s course on the History of weapons? He is a well-known scholar on that subject.
W: His lecture is fascinating. But I am having a hard time with the books that he asked us to read. I feel like I can never finish them.
Q: What problem does the woman have with the course?

选项 A、She is not interested in the course.
B、She has trouble following the professor’s lecture.
C、She finds it difficult to finish the reading list.
D、She doesn’t like the way the professor lectures.

答案 C

解析 该题问“女士上这门课有什么问题”。男士说:“你认为Peterson 教授的兵器历史课怎么样啊?他可是这方面著名的学者。”女士说:“他的讲座很有吸引力,但是完成他给的书很困难。我感到自己永远也读不完。说明书太多,读不完。故[C]“她感到读完书单上要求的书很困堆”为正确答案。