[originaltext]M:I’ve noticed that you get letters from Canada from time to time

游客2024-06-10  2

M:I’ve noticed that you get letters from Canada from time to time.Would you mind savings the stamps for me? My sister collects them.
W:My roommates already asked for them.
Q:What does the woman imply?
W:Tom,where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert.
M:Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street, Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.
Q:Why didn’t they meet that evening?

选项 A、They were both busy doing their work.
B、They waited for each other at different places.
C、They went to the street comer at different times.
D、The man went to the concert, but the woman didn’t.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。女士问:“你昨天晚上去哪了,我一直在音乐会现场等你。”男士回答:“我在你家的街道拐角处等你,后来又去公寓找你,但是房东说你出去了。”由此可知,男士和女士分别在不同的地方等对方,因而没有碰到,选项B与此相符。其他选项的含义:A他们都忙厂工作;C他们在不同时间到的街道拐角处;D男士去了街道拐角处,而女士没去。