[originaltext]F: If anybody wants tickets for Friday’s game, let me know. My ro

游客2024-06-10  4

F: If anybody wants tickets for Friday’s game, let me know. My roommate has two she can’t use.
M: What is she asking?
Q: What does the man want to know?
M: Can you believe I just had to pay 20 pounds for a hair cut in Steward?
F: You should try the salon where I go. It’s only 10. But it takes a while to get an appointment.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She suggests the man to go to a farther place to trim his hair.
B、She offers to cut the man’s hair herself at the price of 10.
C、She tells the man a cheaper but busier place to have his hair cut.
D、She used to trim her hair in a luxurious saloon.

答案 C

解析 这个对话谈论的是剪头发的问题,男声抱怨说他剪头发要20英镑,太贵了。女声向他推荐她自己经常去的一家店,价格才10英镑,但是要约时间可能挺不容易的,言下之意是这家店生意很好,很忙。