[originaltext]M: May I ask where Anne’s Clothing Store is located?W: Of course

游客2024-06-10  2

M: May I ask where Anne’s Clothing Store is located?
W: Of course. Just keep walking down for another 3 blocks and it’ll be on your fight between the post office and the court- house.
Q: Where is this dialogue occurring?
M: I wish i could be the person driving that new Cadillac instead of Barbara.
W: Well, if you would budget your money more carefully, this wouldn’t be a problem.
Q: How does the woman feel about the man?

选项 A、She thinks that he should plan his money more carefully.
B、She thinks that he should buy a convertible.
C、She thinks that he should ask Barbara for advice.
D、She wants him to manage her money

答案 A

解析 男士说希望开那辆新卡迪拉克的人是自己而不是巴巴拉,女士说要是他能更有计划地用钱,那就不成问题。关键词是"budget",意思是“按照预算来安排,计划使用”。