[originaltext]M: May I ask where Anne’s Clothing Store is located?W: Of course

游客2024-06-10  2

M: May I ask where Anne’s Clothing Store is located?
W: Of course. Just keep walking down for another 3 blocks and it’ll be on your fight between the post office and the court- house.
Q: Where is this dialogue occurring?
M: I Came as soon as you called. Is there a problem?
W: Yes, Mr. Chu. You must begin getting to the office on time, or we will no longer need your service here.
Q: What happened to Mr. Chu?

选项 A、He was fired from his job.
B、He was warned about being morepunctual from now on.
C、The management cat his working hours.
D、He was promoted

答案 B

解析 男士(即Mr. Chu)问有什么问题,女士要求他以后一定要准时到办公室,不然将不再需要他在这儿工作。关键词是“or”(否则)和"will",表示警告。