[originaltext]W:Darling,I feel hungry now. How about you?M:So do I. Let me cal

游客2024-06-09  4

W:Darling,I feel hungry now. How about you?
M:So do I. Let me call room service.  Hello,room service? Please send a menu to Room 324 right a- way.
Q:Where are the two speakers now?
W: Don’ t make a sound or I’ ll kill you. Now hand over your pocketbook. Make it fast!
M: Here. Take what you want, Just don’ t hurt me.
Q: What’s going on?

选项 A、The woman is making a withdrawal from a bank.
B、The woman is admitting the man to a hospital.
C、The woman is robbing the man.
D、The woman is ordering the man to stop.

答案 C

解析 从本对话中女士的话就可以推断她正在抢劫男士:“别出声,不然我就杀了你!把钱包拿出来,快点。”