[originaltext]W:Darling,I feel hungry now. How about you?M:So do I. Let me cal

游客2024-06-09  2

W:Darling,I feel hungry now. How about you?
M:So do I. Let me call room service.  Hello,room service? Please send a menu to Room 324 right a- way.
Q:Where are the two speakers now?
W:The charity appeal raised only half of what it expected.
M:One quarter of a million is respectable,however.
Q:How much money did they expect to raise?

选项 A、$1 million.
B、$1/4 million.
C、$1/2 million.
D、$2 million.

答案 C

解析 女士说他们只筹集到了所希望筹集资金的一半,而男士说25万相当可观,本题的关键是half of what it expected和one quarter of a million,由此可以推断他们希望筹集a half of a million,即1/2 million。