The visual arts are a class of art forms, including painting, sculpture, ph

游客2024-06-09  1

问题     The visual arts are a class of art forms, including painting, sculpture,
photography, and others that focuses on the creation of artworks which               【S1】______.
are primarily visual in nature. The visual arts are distinguished from
the performing arts, language arts, and other such classes of artwork.
The definition is strict, and many artistic disciplines involve aspects of           【S2】______.
the visual arts as well other types.
    In Britain until recent the fine arts—painting, sculpture, printmaking,         【S3】______.
et cetera —were seen as distinct from craft disciplines and the various
metalworking disciplines. This distinction arose from the Arts and
Crafts Movement which political aim was to value daily art forms as                  【S4】______.
much as high forms.
    The result of the conflict between the two groups were to politicize the         【S5】______.
products of what we now know as visual artists. British art schools
made a clear distinction between the fine arts (a term that hints at their
supposed inferiority) and the crafts in such a way that a craftsperson               【S6】______.
could not be considered a practitioner of high art. Although this is no
longer the case, the residue of equality between the crafts or applied               【S7】______.
arts and the so-called fine arts still exist in some quarters.                       【S8】______.
    A similar stigma exists in the US, where "arts and crafts" bas a very
particular meaning, refer to the sort of artwork first taught in                     【S9】______.
elementary school and also (later in life) a variety of kitsch, household
artwork. Most craftspeople are still seen as practicing something other
than "fine art" among the traditional art school set, but, of course, can
produce "high art", in any media.                                                    【S10】______. [br] 【S2】


答案 is∧ strict→not

解析 考查对文章上下文的理解;and 后面的句子"many artistic disciplines involve aspects of the visual arts as well other types" 是对and 前面的句子的解释说明,这句话的意思是“很多艺术门类都包含着视觉艺术和其他艺术种类的混合”,从这句话我们可以知道,如果如原文所说“视觉艺术的概念是严格的”,那么明显两个句子表达的意思相百冲突,所以应该改成“视觉艺术的概念并不是严格确定的”,这样才可以和后文的内容对应起来。