[originaltext]W: Hello, Steven. How are you?M: Not too bad, thank you Ann. How

游客2024-06-09  4

W: Hello, Steven. How are you?
M: Not too bad, thank you Ann. How did you get on in the exams?
W: I’m not sure. I haven’t got all my results yet, but I’m so glad we’re coming up to the end of the semester. I really need a holiday, so I’m going camping with some friends. What are you doing over the semester break?
M: I haven’t got any plan yet. I don’t really have enough money to fly home. I suppose I could get a part-time job and earn some money, but I don’t really want to. Then again, maybe I could start studying for next semester.
W: Well, I thought about doing some summer courses, but I decided that’s not a good idea. I need to do something completely different. You do too. Why don’t you join me with my friends on the camping trip?
M: Well, I don’t know really. Would your friends mind?
W: Of course not. They’d be happy to have you along. We’re going down to the Royal National Park. Have you been there?
M: No, I haven’t. It’s somewhere south of Sydney, isn’t it?
W: Yes, it’s almost 80 kilometers sooth of Sydney.
M: So what equipment do we need to bring with us if we’re going? Do we have to carry all our food for a week?
W: No. We’ve organized for the food to go down with a van, so we don’t have to carry too much. But you’ll need to bring a sleeping bag.
M: Oh, thank you. And what type of clothes should I bring? Like, what’s the weather going to be like?
W: Bathing suit. You can swim in the river. And good hiking boots and socks.
M: Do we need a guide?
W: Oh, no. Look, here’s a map. I’ll show you...

选项 A、Because she didn’t find suitable courses.
B、because the summer courses of this year were the same as be{ore.
C、Because her friends persuaded her to do so.
D、Because she wants to do some different things.

答案 D

解析 从选项中because可知,问题可能问的是女士某种行为的原因。对话中女士提出想假期补习,但随即就否认这一想法,其后便解释了否认的原因“I need to do something completely different”,因此选D。