[originaltext]M: Many students are complaining about Prof. Gilmore’s lectures.

游客2024-06-09  2

M: Many students are complaining about Prof. Gilmore’s lectures. They say he goes over the textbook too fast in class. What do you think?
F: Well, I don’t have to take as many notes as most students do. You see, I have a similar course in another department. Maybe I’m not the best person to ask.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?
F: Hello! This is Prof Gates’ office. I’m calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment with the professor to discuss your term paper tomorrow.
M: Oh, thanks. It’s a good thing that you called, I thought it was 4:15 today.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He didn’t make the appointment with the professor.
B、He totally forgets about the appointment.
C、He would probably go to the professor’s office today if the woman didn’t call him.
D、He though the appointment was 4:50.

答案 C

解析 本题的关键是听到女声说"tomorrow",而男声说"today",这就是他们的分歧所在,是男声记错了日期。