Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition abou

游客2024-06-09  2

问题 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Diligence Is the Key to Success. You are given the following outlines in Chinese and are required to write no less than 150 words. Remember to write clearly.
1. 对“勤奋是成功的关健”涵义的理解;
2. 成功不是靠运气 ;
3. 了解成功重要性的意义。


答案                           Diligence Is the Key to Success
    Diligence is the key to success. It means that success involves persistent work but does not imply that we are to exert ourselves around the clock without food, drink or sleep. The true meaning of diligence is the careful use of one’s time for the purpose of success, or to work persistently without wasting time.
    Some people believe in luck. This is a serious mistake. If there is really any luck at all, it will never come to a lazy person. If a farmer plows his field one day and then remains idle for the rest of the season, the best of luck will not bring him anything. There would be no harvest for him at all.
    Those are clever who understand the importance of diligence and make it their habit. It is they who are on the right way to success. There are also people who always think that luck is more decisive in bringing about success and therefore there is no need for working hard. But they fail to realize that diligence is the key, and only diligence will bring them luck and success.
