Whether China’s housing reform can be carried on successfully will have

游客2024-06-08  3

问题     Whether China’s housing reform can be carried on successfully will have     【S1】______
a profound bearing on the future of the reform of state-owned enterprises.
    Although China’s housing reform registered impressive progress in the       【S2】______
past 10 years, it has still been fettered (束缚) by its old-fashioned housing
distribution system.
    Under this system, most employees of state enterprises can still get
apartments to their employers, and this practice has turned to be a heavy       【S3】______
burden upon the state firms and an obstacle to their reform.
    To clear the runway of the reform, those enterprises should establish a
special shareholding firm in the charge of housing. This firm would be held     【S4】______
responsible at its own gains and losses.                                        【S5】______
    Second, state-own enterprises must draw a clear line between housing        【S6】______
investment and production investment.
    In other words, enterprises should replace the old housing distribution
system to generous housing subsidies (补贴) under a system which encourages     【S7】______
employees to buy a home in the market.
    Besides, China should beef up (增强)its efforts improving its social        【S8】______
security system and establish public funds for housing as a way to address
urban residents’ housing problems.
    The government has options to provide houses with those who cannot          【S9】______
afford a home. One of them is to take a part of the public funds to build a batch
of cheap houses; other is to redistribute the old houses.                       【S10】______ [br] 【S1】


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解析 搭配错误 carry on意为“坚持下去”,是不及物的动词短语,后面不能再接名词;而carry out是“执行开展”的意思,常常表示执行一项命令或政策,这里表达的是“中国的房改是否能成功开展”。