[originaltext]M: I’ve dined in several Chinese restaurants in the U.S, but I wo

游客2024-06-08  3

M: I’ve dined in several Chinese restaurants in the U.S, but I wonder why the food there tastes so different from the food here.
W: There may be two reasons for this, I suppose. Firstly, some of the ingredients adopted in Chinese cooking are not available in the states. Secondly, the ways of cooking may have been altered a lot to meet the Americans’ tastes.
Q: For what reason or masons does Chinese food in the U.S taste so different from that in China?
M: Weren’t you going to check with the employment agency to see if they have any leads for jobs this summer.
W: Yeah. Thanks for reminding me. They might assume I’m not interested if I don’t get back to them fast enough. You know, more and more people are competing for fewer and fewer jobs.
Q: What will the woman probably do?

选项 A、Phone the employment agency as soon as possible.
B、Looking harder for employment.
C、Nothing since she is not interested.
D、Studying in this summer instead.

答案 A
