[originaltext]W: This is Mrs. William. My heater doesn’t work properly. And wea

游客2024-06-08  4

W: This is Mrs. William. My heater doesn’t work properly. And weather forecast says the temperature is going to fall sharply tonight. Could you get someone to come over and fix it?
M: We are very busy now. But I’ll speak to one of our men to go over sometime today.
Q: Whom did Mrs. William want to come over?
M: Where can I buy a computer? It doesn’t have to be the best on the market. I’m just going to use it to do word-processing.
W: You could go to a computer store, or a discount store, but if I were you, I’d look into some of the special offers through the university. I saw something in the paper just last night.
Q: What advice does the woman give the man?

选项 A、To buy the computer at a discount store.
B、To put an ad in the newspaper for a computer.
C、To go to a computer store to buy the computer.
D、To buy the computer at the university as a special offer.

答案 D
