[originaltext]W: This is Mrs. William. My heater doesn’t work properly. And wea

游客2024-06-08  3

W: This is Mrs. William. My heater doesn’t work properly. And weather forecast says the temperature is going to fall sharply tonight. Could you get someone to come over and fix it?
M: We are very busy now. But I’ll speak to one of our men to go over sometime today.
Q: Whom did Mrs. William want to come over?
W: I’m so busy these days. I have to turn in my paper late. I hope Professor Smith won’t be too unhappy.
M: Well, this is the first time you’ve ever had to ask for an extension, so I don’t expect she’ll be too hard on you.
Q: What does the man think Professor Smith will probably do?

选项 A、Give the woman the failing grade.
B、Be understanding towards the woman.
C、Blame her for an extension.
D、Expect the woman to finish her paper first.

答案 B
