The people of the USA have been opposed to a centralized government since lo

游客2024-06-08  2

问题     The people of the USA have been opposed to a centralized government since long before the Revolution of 1776. When the 13 colonies won their freedom【C1】______ Britain and became the 13 first States of the Union, it was taken for【C2】______ that the new constitution would allow them the maximum【C3】______ of self-government. The 37 other States which,【C4】 ______ then, have been admitted to the Union, have been granted the same measure of【C5】______ . In the days before the railroad there were【C6】______ easy connections between the States,【C7】  each State developed its own way of life and a pride in its freedom to make its own decisions. But the States【C8】______ felt a pride in being American.
    The first challenge to the Federal Government came in 1861,【C9】______ 11 Southern States defied Federal orders, broke【C10】______ from the Union and formed their own union, or Confederacy, as they called it. The result was a bloody Civil War, which【C11】______ in a crushing defeat for the Southern States and left【C12】______ in ruins.
    The constitution of a State Government is similar to【C13】______ of the Federal Government. At the top is a Governor【C14】______ role resembles that of the President. There is a Congress and each State also has a Supreme Court. The States can raise their own taxes and 【C15】______ their own laws if not in【C16】______ with Federal laws.
    Each city, too, has its mayor. An American mayor can【C17】______ be not more than a figure head, with【C18】______ positive duties, or he can have great power,【C19】______ the mayors of big cities such as New York and Chicago. These strong mayors are elected by popular vote. Within the city limits they have great power for good or ill. Police, housing, health all come【C20】______ their control. [br] 【C13】

选项 A、that

答案 A

解析 从该空所在的句子看,此处要填的是一个代词,代替前文中的the constitution,B、D两项表示复数,故不能用在此处,A项that和C项this尽管都指代单数名词,但语法上that经常用来代替前面出现的名词以避免重复,所以that为正确的选项。此外,考生也可通过阅读从下文中找出答案。