Have you ever studied your calendar and wondered where the weeks and months
Have you ever studied your calendar and wondered where the weeks and months
Have you ever studied your calendar and wondered where the weeks and months went? Time seems to fly when we are too busy to be "in the moment."
If you want to be present for your life, slow down and create timelessness by engaging in activities that give you joy.
In a book by Dr. Stephen Rechtschaffen, called Timeshifting: Creating More Time To Enjoy Your Life, the author states that 95 percent of us rafter from "time poverty." This is when you feel frustrated stressed, trapped and under constant pressure. You have the nagging feeling you should be engaged in something else and life seems to be slipping away.
Our challenge with the pace of society begins when we are children. Children move to a different rhythm; at times they move fast, but when they discover something new and exciting or something they love, they slow down and are "present." Timelessness is a child at play. To children, the rhythm of society is a rude awakening.
One morning I woke up late and raced through my morning trying to get my children ready for school. My preschooler was drawing with colored pencils and was lost in the moment of making beautiful art when I interrupted him. I grabbed the pencils and tossed them into a bag but not before he retaliated by screaming and throwing his paper. My oldest son was not impressed when I told him we had to go.
I was at fault for pushing these children out of their rhythm. I should have given them more time. They have their whole lives to nm at society’s pace.
Think about time and its impact on your life. If you conduce yourself as if you are driving 200 miles un hour and suddenly slow down to 50 miles an hour, you will feel major discomfort or may have an accident
lf you wok all day and life is hectic, what do you do when you get home? You turn on the television, computer or stereo to ease the transition and keep a similar rhythm that you experienced during the day.
Going from chaos to a quiet environment is awkward. It is uncomfortable because we slow down and have time to reflect on our lives and challenges. Most of us prefer not to deal with inner conflicts, so we keep busy. We tom on technology and tune out.
It is easier to keep busy in a society that emphasizes speed, efficiency, profits and results.
We fear slowing down because a tougher economy means company downsizing and downsizing means eliminating inefficient workers. Slowing down is perceived to be a weakness and if we value our jobs, we will work longer and harder and give up our precious resource: free time.
Slowing down need not be permanent. Rather it is a rest stop, like a break in music, a breath of fresh air. Slowing down allows us to recharge and restructure our world. It is necessary for balance and it is a challenge to impose.
When you follow this path, have a network of family and friends for support. Find moments in each day to rest, stretch exercise, meditate or do whatever you need to "unwind." Choose activities that allow you to lose track of time. Set little goals for yourself and think of ways to improve. Read, ask others for suggestions and expect some setbacks.
Your new life will not happen overnight but that is fine because it takes time to adjust to time escapes. Remember: Rome was not built in a day. [br] Why is slowing down for some time in life necessary?
It provides us with an opportunity to recharge our minds and bodies
答案可以在第十二段中找到。Slowing down allows us to recharge and restructure our world.It is necessary for balance and it is a challenge to impose to impose.
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