[originaltext]W: Jack, would you please read this letter of application I’ve ju

游客2024-06-06  3

W: Jack, would you please read this letter of application I’ve just written? I’d like to have your opinion,
M: If I were you, I would change the beginning. You should write about your education first. You should include much more information about your work experience and you should say something about your family, too.
Q: What can we conclude from the conversation?
W: Have Todd and Lisa Taylor started a family yet? They’ve been married for two years now.
M: Todd indicated to me that they’d postpone having children until he gets his law degree.
Q: How does the Taylor feel about children?

选项 A、They have two children already.
B、Mrs. Taylor wishes to have children, but her husband doesn’t.
C、They will start family as soon as they. get married.
D、They don’t want children for the time being.

答案 D
