Computers and electronic communicationsare allowing many people to use thei

游客2024-06-04  1

问题     Computers and electronic communications
are allowing many people to use their homes as
offices. And offices will never disappear entirely.                      【S1】______
Instead of the office of the future may become                           【S2】______
more like home.
    American managers whom want to get more                              【S3】______
out of their white-collar workforce will be in for
a shock if we seek advice from Franc Becker, a                           【S4】______
professor at Cornell University who studies the
pattern of office work. His advice is: companies
need to devote more office space to create places                        【S5】______
like good-tended living rooms, where employees                           【S6】______
can sit around in comfort and chat.
    Mr Becket is one of a group of academics
and consultants tried to make companies more                             【S7】______
productive by linking new office technology to
better understanding of how employees work.                              【S8】______
The forecasts of a decade ago—which computers                           【S9】______
would increase office productivity, reduce
white-collar payrolls and help the remaining staff
to work better  has proved much too hopeful.                             【S10】______ [br] 【S2】


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