[originaltext]M: So tedious a job! I can’t concentrate on it any longer. Maybe

游客2024-06-03  2

M: So tedious a job! I can’t concentrate on it any longer. Maybe we should take a nap before we continue.
W: Well, you know people say the physical activity makes you mom alert.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The man should sleep for a while.
B、The man should finish the job right now.
C、The man should try to concentrate on the job.
D、The man should get some exercises.

答案 D

解析 男士说“工作太沉闷了!我再无法集中精力。也许我们应该小睡一下再继续。”女士说“人们都说体育活动能使人更警醒。”该题问“女士说的是什么意思”。女士是想建议男士活动/锻炼一下。故D“男士应该进行一些锻炼”为正确答案。