[originaltext]W: Don’t you think it’s marvelous that Mary has won the first pri

游客2024-06-03  2

W: Don’t you think it’s marvelous that Mary has won the first prize of the English Speech Contest?
M: she deserves it.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: My telephone doesn’t seem to be working. And I have lots of calls that I have to return this afternoon.
W: Feel free to use mine if you want I’ll be in a meeting till five.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

选项 A、Call her after five.
B、Make calls from her phone.
C、Go to the meeting with her.
D、Fix his phone.

答案 B

解析 语义替换题。男士说自己的电话坏了,但他又有很多电话需要在下午回复,女士说自己将开会到五点,男士可以用她的电话,由此可知,B正确。